Domain le Pive
Mas Le Pive, 30600 MONTCALM
S’y rendrePhone
+33 (0)4 67 88 80 00
Social Networks
The domain
It is in the fine sand of the coast, in the heart of the Camargue Park, that the Pive vines anchor their roots. Isolated in the middle of this vineyard, the recently renovated cellar is installed in an authentic Camargue farmhouse, where there is a modern vinification. Adjoining the cellar, the Pive Chapel is a small treasure of the neo-Romanesque architecture of the nineteenth century, still releasing today the serenity and tranquility of a place where time seems to stop.
The wines
Freshness is everything at Pive. From the nocturnal harvests until bottling, the beautiful aromatic freshness of these wines of the sea is the object of attention, with notably advanced vinification techniques, the wines are maintained at ideal low temperature and protected from oxygen at each stage of their development. Only then, can the wines of Pive display their brilliant colors and breath their aromas in all their purity.
Sales room
Caveau Vignerons & Passions, BP1, 34725 Saint-Felix-de-Lodez
S’y rendre
Opening Days
From Monday to Saturday
Close the Sunday
Operating hours
Monday to Friday: 9:30-12:30 / 13:30-19:00
Saturday: 9:30-12:30 / 14:00-18:30
Oenotouristic Activities
Tasting in the cellar “Vignerons et Passions”
By appointment initiation to oenology possible
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